Întreb pentru că:
1. Nu mă pricep foarte bine la împărţeli de astea în stiluri muzicale (şi nici nu îmi plac astfel de categorisiri, deşi, categoric, le înţeleg rostul ordonator).
2. Poate că ascult şi chiar îmi place o trupă românească de britpop, doar că nu ştiu că asta cântă :D
3. Ideea mi-a venit de la un emailul primit în care eram invitat la concertul trupei Bridges, joi 4 aprilie, de la 21:30 în club Şurubelniţa (aveţi mai jos afişul şi două clipuri).
Pentru conformitate şi pentru a înţelege cât de cât mai bine care este faza cu britpop, ia uitaţi ce ne spune, fireşte, wikipedia:
Britpop is a subgenre of alternative rock that originated in the United Kingdom. Britpop emerged from the British independent music scene of the early 1990s and was characterised by bands influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s. The movement developed as a reaction against various musical and cultural trends in the late 1980s and early 1990s, particularly the grunge phenomenon from the United States. In the wake of the musical invasion into the United Kingdom of American grunge bands, new British groups such as Suede and Blur launched the movement by positioning themselves as opposing musical forces, referencing British guitar music of the past and writing about uniquely British topics and concerns. These bands were soon joined by others including Oasis, Pulp, Supergrass, Sleeper, Elastica and The Verve.