Weblogs represent an important new contribution to freedom of expression and are often used by both media professionals and private persons. Therefore MEPs encourage an open discussion on all issues relating to the status of weblogs. On this point the resolution is slightly different from the proposal from the Committee on Culture and Education, that suggested a ‘clarification’ of the status of weblogs and sites based on user-generated content, assimilating them for legal purposes with any other form of public expression.
During the presentation of the report Monday evening, Mrs Mikko responded to the concerns of many bloggers: „My entrance into cyberspace has created rapid reaction among a lot of bloggers. I shall make it clear now that nobody is interested in regulating the internet,” she said.
Integral aici.
0 thoughts on “Parlamentul European ia serios în mână problema blogurilor”
In principiu totul e la stadiul de proiect, nu vrea nimeni sa cenzureze blogurile. Se merge mai degraba spre problema copyrightului si a raspunderii legale pentru ceea ce scrii. Nu poti scrie tot felul de fabulatii despre oricine,,,sau nu poti arata orice fel de film (ioska)